
Englisch Aufbaustufe - B1/B2 (Conversation)

Zeitraum: 04.09.2024 – 20.11.2024
Status: ausgebucht, Warteliste

Kurs buchen
Kurszeit/Termine Mittwochs, 09:30 – 11:00 Uhr
Dauer 10 Termine
Ort WBZ, 013 EDV-Raum
Kosten 90,00 €
Teilnehmer 6 – 14
Kursnummer 242V-22404
Dozent*in Sarah Richmond-Richter


The focus of this course is on spoken English. It is designed for learners who can communicate well on general subjects and want to keep up and improve their English skills. We read and talk about subjects from all areas of life - from business to everyday topics and hobbies - in order to lose any fear or shyness we may have about speaking English at work or on holiday.

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